英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:01:22
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1. mend by putting a patch on

e.g. patch a hole

Synonym: patch

2. come to terms

e.g. After some discussion we finally made up

Synonym: reconcilemake upconciliatesettle

1. 平息(争吵);修补(关系)
If you patch up a quarrel or relationship, you try to be friendly again and not to quarrel any more.

e.g. She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage...
e.g. He has now patched up his differences with the Minister...

2. 修理;修补
If you patch up something which is damaged, you mend it or patch it.

e.g. We can patch up those holes...
e.g. He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one.

3. 为…处理伤口;包扎,处理(伤口)
If doctors patch someone up or patch their wounds up, they treat their injuries.

patch up

e.g. ...the medical staff who patched her up after the accident...
e.g. Emergency surgery patched up his face.

4. 艰难达成(协议等)
If people or countries patch up a deal, they manage to agree on it after difficult discussions.

patch up的近义词

e.g. Trade ministers patched up a compromise.

1. 修补:patch test of paints on ship hull 实船涂装试验 | patch up 修补 | patch 补钉补片

2. 和解:208. Be on bad terms with 与...互相仇视 | 209. Patch up 和解 | 210.Lost upon 不为...所了解;对...无效

3. 弥合:化作春泥 Sacrifice | 弥合 Patch-up | 欢悦 Jubilant

4. 拼大版:修补程序插板 patch-program plugboard | 拼大版 patch-up | 专利信息检索系统 patent information retrieval system

They have tried to patch up their differences.(他们已经设法弥合了他们的分歧。)
Try to patch up your differences.(设法平息你们的分歧。)
I didn't have to write and constantly patch up bad writing.(我自己不用写作,不用时不时地补救写得不好的部分。)
I think you ought to patch up the argument.(我认为你应该将这个争吵和解。)
I think you ought to patch up your quarrel.(我认为你应该将你们的争端和解。)
I think you ought to patch up the dispute.(我认为你应该将这个争论和解。)
Jack and Jill decided it was time to patch up their relationship.(杰克和吉尔认为是时候该修补一下他们的关系了。)
An engineering countermeasure using the superfine cement grouting to patch up the cracks is advanced.(提出用超细水泥灌浆修补面板现浇层裂缝的工程对策。)
She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage.(她跟她丈夫度假去了,以补救他们的婚姻。)
That is what made the Greatest Generation great. This money can't just go to patch up our jalopies.(这也是大萧条之所以伟大的原因,这笔钱不能仅仅只用于修补我们过去的过失。)
patch up是什么意思 patch up在线翻译 patch up什么意思 patch up的意思 patch up的翻译 patch up的解释 patch up的发音 patch up的同义词